FIT3088 - Computer graphics
6 points, SCA Band 2, 0.125 EFTSL
Undergraduate Faculty of Information Technology
Leader(s): Dr Mohammed Belkhatir
Clayton First semester 2009 (Day)
This unit deals with techniques for generating lines, curves and surfaces. The unit covers graphics devices, graphics software, line, arc and curve drawing, clipping, scan conversion and overlapping regions, 2D and 3D transformations, shading and hidden surface algorithms, synthetic camera models, real-time interaction and computer animation.
At the completion of this unit, students will have an understanding of:
- mathematical representations of basic geometric primitives in Euclidean space, such as points, lines, polygons and parametric curves;
- how to use homogeneous co-ordinates and transformations on geometric objects in two and three dimensions and how to combine multiple transformations efficiently;
- orthographic, parallel and perspective projections and their related homogeneous transformations;
- appropriate data structures for hierarchical representation of polygonal datasets;
- rasterisation algorithms for drawing in frame buffers;
- the use of Quaternions to represent object rotation;
- a synthetic camera model for viewing and projecting of two and three-dimensional geometry;
- algorithms for hidden surface removal and backface elimination;
- BRDF Shading models: Lambert, Phong, Blinn's Phong, Torrance-Sparrow-Blinn-Cook-Beckmann, Oren-Nayar;
- textures and texture mapping;
- basic knowledge of aliasing theory;
- interpolative shading models, shadow algorithms, local and global illumination models;
- the OpenGL state-machine and graphics pipline.
At the completion of this unit, students will have attitudes that will allow them to:
- nderstand the role and value of visual communication in the arts and sciences;
- appreciate the uses and application of interactive, real-time graphics and software rendering.
At the completion of this unit, students will be able to:
- program basic interactive graphics applications in C/C++ and OpenGL;
- apply computer graphics theory and algorithms to the design of visual computing applications.
Examination 70%, Practical work 30%
Contact hours
Two x1-hour lectures/week, 1 x 2 hour-tutorials are held every second week of semester beginning week 3
CSE2304, CSC2040, FIT2004
CSC3130, CSE3313, DGS3510, DGS3622, FIT3005, GCO2810, GCO3817, RDT3510, RDT3622
Additional information on this unit is available from the faculty at:
13 October 2017
23 February 2025