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ETC4410 - Applied econometrics 2

6 points, SCA Band 3, 0.125 EFTSL

Undergraduate, Postgraduate Faculty of Business and Economics

Leader(s): Professor Keith McLaren and Associate Professor Xueyan Zhao


Clayton First semester 2009 (Day)


This unit involves a critical review of recent empirical work in econometrics. The topics to be covered include: the specification and estimation of systems of consumer demand equations and producer demand and supply equations, extensions of these methods to other areas, practical applications. On completion of this unit students should be familiar with recent developments in these fields and have developed the skills to undertake empirical work. Further, students should be able to critically evaluate empirical work and related policy implications.


The learning goals associated with this unit are to:

  • specify the structure of consumer demand systems
  • use duality theory to generalise these specifications
  • understand the use of appropriate specific estimation techniques
  • extend these ideas to producer demand and supply models
  • consider a number of empirical applications, and derive policy implications
  • become competent in handling demand and production data using econometric software.


Within semester assessment: 40%
Examination (3 hours): 60%

Contact hours

Two 1.5-hour lectures per week


Students must have passed one of the following before undertaking this unit. ECC3410, ETC3400, ETC3410

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