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CRJ1001 - Crime: Theory and practice

6 points, SCA Band 1, 0.125 EFTSL

Undergraduate Faculty of Arts

Leader(s): Dr David Baker


Gippsland First semester 2009 (Day)
Gippsland First semester 2009 (Off-campus)


This unit introduces students to the history of crime and the key perspectives and theories of criminal justice. Students will discuss, analyse and evaluate the diverse and competing interpretations of a criminal act; the nature and basis of social and community attitudes to crime, why particular communities fear certain crimes; the causes and consequences of crime; measurement of crime and the relationship between crime and other forms of deviance. The community in a regional, rural, urban, national and international context will be used as the focal point of this analysis.


Upon successful completion of the unit, students are expected to have developed:

  1. a critical understanding of the nature and complexity of crime;
  2. an insight into the nature of people who engage in criminal activity;
  3. the ability to critically analyse and evaluate both explanations and theories that attempt to explain the causes and consequences of crime in society;
  4. the analytical skills needed to think critically and independently about criminal justice issues;
  5. the skill to analyse diverse theories of crime causation;
  6. the ability to write an essay based on evidence and balanced argument.


Tutorial participation or on-line forum participation (OCL): 10%
Written work (2500 words): 50%
2 Hour Exam: 40%

Contact hours

2 hours per week (one-hour lecture and one two-hour seminar).

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