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4030 - Graduate Diploma in Jewish Communal Service and Leadership

This course entry should be read in conjunction with information provided in the Faculty information section of this Handbook by the managing faculty for this course

Abbreviated titleGradDipJewComServ
Managing facultyArts
Study location and modeOn-campus (Caulfield)
This course has a compulsory placement requirement.
Total credit points required48
Duration (years)1 year FT, 2 years PT
Course coordinatorMelanie Landau


The Australian Jewish Community has built an impressive array of community services and institutions including a wide range of schools, museums, old age facilities, social welfare systems and programs for people with disabilities. A significant proportion of the philanthropy of the Jewish community is focused on a wide range of Jewish and Israeli causes. The development and professionalism of people who work for the community is a priority in developing communal structures and keeping them growing with the times. This course provides individuals involved in Jewish communal life in lay and professional capacities with the benefit of a structured academic approach to policy issues in Jewish communal service as well as an analysis of existing communal organisations and structures. By seeing the Australian Jewish community in the context of other ethnic communities in Australia and other Jewish communities around the world students will deepen their understanding of the Australian Jewish community. The course will expose students to a broad range of issues beyond the direct ambit of their own communal involvement. Students undertake a communal organisation placement which will provide an opportunity for them to bring their insights to bear on analysis of a particular question or challenge facing the organisation in which they are working.


Students undertake a compulsory Placement.

This placement involves 80 hours of supervised work in communal organisation (in either a volunteer or professional capacity) as well as a research project which focuses on a particular challenge or question relating to that organisation. Supervision will be carried out jointly by someone from Monash as well as someone from the organisation. This placement also includes four introductory seminars of two hours each to establish the parameters of the placement and project and to set the context.


Students successfully completing this course will:

  • imbue a thorough understanding of a range of theoretical and practical perspectives of the major policy issues facing the Australian Jewish community in a contemporary context
  • have an understanding of these policy issues within the broader Australian context
  • have developed a deeper understanding and appreciation of the richness and diversity of Jewish culture.
  • have developed the ethos of professionalism in Jewish communal service and leadership.


Students complete level four two 12-point core units, one of which involves an off-campus placement, and two 12-point elective units.

All units except where indicated are worth 12 points.


Students complete the following core units:

  • JWM4050 Rethinking Jewish community in Australia: policy and praxis
  • SHM4010 School of Historical Studies placement

and two 12-point elective units units from all subjects offered by the Australian centre for Jewish civilisation and/or Faculty of Business and Economics or Faculty of Art and Design.

Progression to further studies

Students who complete the graduate diploma with a minimum credit average, may apply to enter the Masters of Jewish Communal Services.

Alternative exit(s)

After successful completion of 24 points, students may apply to exit the program with the related graduate certificate.

Award(s) received on completion *

Graduate Diploma in Jewish Communal Service and Leadership

* Where more than one award is listed, or in the case of double degrees, where more than one award is listed for one or both components of the double degree, the actual award/s conferred may depend on units/majors/streams/specialisations studied, the level of academic merit achieved (eg in the case of 'with honours' programs), or other factors relevant to the individual student's program of study.


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