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4015 - Master of Criminal Justice

This course entry should be read in conjunction with information provided in the Faculty information section of this Handbook by the managing faculty for this course

Abbreviated titleMCrimJust
Managing facultyArts
Study location and modeOff-campus (Gippsland)
Total credit points required72
Duration (years)3 years PT
Part-time study only
Minimum grade for completionTo graduate with the masters, students must gain a credit (60 C) or above in core units and a minimum credit average overall.
Course coordinatorAssoc. Prof. Colleen Lewis


The Master of Criminal Justice is designed to accommodate the needs of professionals and practitioners in criminology and allied fields. The course presents the application of criminology in a unique mixture of regional, urban and international crime-related contexts, and specialises in contemporary regional and international crime matters, crime prevention, policing, criminal behaviours and profiles, and alternative justice and corrections initiatives. Student have the opportunity to develop links with regional practitioners and, in some cases, utilise placements within the criminal justice and allied systems.


Students completing this course will demonstrate:

  • .an advanced understanding of the theory and practice of criminal justice
  • the ability to evaluate the role of research and theory in the advancement of knowledge within the field of criminal justice
  • critical understanding of the functions of policing, security and risk management
  • the capacity to formulate and research topics in criminal justice
  • the capacity to draw conclusions, based on research-driven evidence, and to make policy and reform recommendations
  • knowledge, skills and attributes for self-motivated, independent investigation of criminal justice issues
  • knowledge and skills in criminal justice programming, planning, implementation and evaluation
  • attributes of team-work and problem-solving relating to crime and crime prevention
  • the ability to engage with other professionals working in the criminal justice system and allied professions
  • professional knowledge of ethical issues relating to criminal justice.


Students complete two level-four core units (24 points), level-four electives the the value of 24 points, and 24 points at level five.

All units except where indicated are worth 12 points.


Level four

Students must complete two core units:

  • CRJ4001 Crime prevention: A global perspective
  • CRJ4002 Policing, security and risk management

And two elective units from the following:

  • AUS4025 Australia in global perspective
  • CRJ4004 Criminal behaviours
  • HPL4503 International relations
  • HPL4521 Mechanisms for international governance
  • HSM4301 Program planning and evaluation in the human services
  • HSM4302 Management and leadership in human services

Level five electives

Students must complete one of the following options:*

  • CRJ5004 Criminal behaviours and CJM5005 Internship
  • CJM5000 Criminal justice research project (9,000 words) and one of CRJ5004 or CJM5005
  • CJM5050 Criminal justice dissertation (18,000 words - 24 points) or CJM5050A Criminal justice dissertation - Part 1 and CJM5050B Criminal justice dissertation - Part 1

*Students will need to have attained both a Distinction average in their previous 48 points of the Master of Criminal Justice and permission from the course coordinator before they can enrol in CRJ5007.

Alternative exit(s)

Students who have completed studies in this course to the value of:

  • 24 points may apply to exit with a related graduate certificate
  • 48 points may apply to exit with a related graduate diploma.

Students will also exit the masters with the appropriate award if they do not maintain the required academic level.

Award(s) received on completion

Master of Criminal Justice


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