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3501 - Diploma of Biotechnology (Research and Management)

This course entry should be read in conjunction with information provided in the Faculty information section of this Handbook by the managing faculty for this course

Abbreviated titleDipBiotech(ResMgt)
CRICOS Code037829E
Managing facultyScience
Intake restrictionsStudents be concurrently enrolled in a bachelors degree at Monash University. Entry to this diploma is permitted after completion of first year level studies in the student's bachelor degree and no later than the start of the third year level of bachelors studies. Completion of entry requirements or permission of the managing faculty of the student's bacheor degree is required.
Study location and modeOn-campus (Gippsland, Clayton)
Total credit points required48
Duration (years)2 years PT
Equivalent of one year full-time study, taken over 3-4 years.
Contact detailsEmail:


The course is designed for students already enrolled in a bachelors degree who wish to undertake additional studies to complete a major sequence in biotechnology (in addition to the major sequences allowed in their degree course). Students complete the major sequence in biotechnology as offered within the Bachelor of Science, normally over two years of part-time study concurrent with their bachelors degree.

Entry requirements

Students who are currently enrolled in a Bachelor of Science, or equivalent program, who have achieved at least a distinction grade in one (or more) of the following units are eligible to apply for admission:

Students from other faculties wishing to enrol in this course are required to seek prior approval from the faculty administering their degree course.

Course progression

A combination of credit (up to 24 points), overload and study of units during summer semester allows students to complete the diploma at the same time as their bachelors degree or within an extra semester, depending on the time of entry to the course. The Regulations of the Faculty of Science allow students to overload their semester unit enrolment by 6 points (at second and third year only) with approval if they have achieved an average mark of at least a credit over the previous 48 points of study.


The biotechnology major sequence within the Bachelor of Science involves an inter-disciplinary program of study. Students will build on their basic knowledge of chemistry or biology and develop an understanding and appreciation of the molecular and chemical processes that underlie the wide variety of functions in all forms of life, including micro-organisms, plants and animals. Depending on the choice of units taken at level three students will understand the practical applications and have gained advanced knowledge in an area of molecular biology, genetics, biochemistry, microbiology, or chemical science/engineering.


The course consists of four core units and four electives.


The course consists of 48 points of studies in total. Students must complete all of the following:

  • BIO1011 Biology I or BIO1722 Cell biology
  • CHM1022 Chemistry or CHM1742 Chemistry
  • MOL2011 Molecular biology: genes and their expression and MOL2022 Molecular biology: gene technology and its application, or BTH2741 Biochemistry and BTH2732 Recombinant DNA technology

plus one of:

  • SCI3090 Technology management for scientists
  • SCI3094 Technology management for scientists II
  • SCI3716 Laboratory and workplace management

plus three of the following:

  • BCH3031 Advanced molecular biology: modern concepts and applications
  • BCH3062 Molecular bioinformatics
  • BCH3990 Action in biochemistry research project
  • BTH3611 Plant and cellular biotechnology
  • BTH3711 Food and industrial microbiology
  • BTH3722 Medical microbiology
  • BTH3732 Environmental microbiology
  • BTH3741 Medical aspects of cell biology
  • BTH3752 Molecular biology and biotechnology
  • CHE3171 Bioprocess technology
  • CHM3932 Medicinal chemistry
  • CHM3941 Synthesis 1: chemistry of bioactive compounds
  • CHM3990 Chemistry project
  • GEN3040 Genomics and molecular genetics
  • GEN3051 Medical genetics and forensic biology
  • GEN3990 Genetics in action research project
  • IMM3031 Molecular and cellular immunology
  • IMM3051 Principles of applied immunology
  • MIC3011 Molecular microbiology
  • MIC3041 Medical microbiology
  • MIC3990 Action in microbiology research project
  • SCI3741 Biotechnology in action research project

Award(s) received on completion *

Diploma of Biotechnology (Research and Management)

* Where more than one award is listed, or in the case of double degrees, where more than one award is listed for one or both components of the double degree, the actual award/s conferred may depend on units/majors/streams/specialisations studied, the level of academic merit achieved (eg in the case of 'with honours' programs), or other factors relevant to the individual student's program of study.


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