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2130 - Bachelor of Arts (Communication) and Bachelor of Science

This course entry should be read in conjunction with information provided in the Faculty information section of this Handbook by the managing faculty for this course

Abbreviated titleBA(Comn)/BSc
CRICOS Code037822A
Managing facultyArts
Study location and modeOff-campus (Gippsland)
On-campus (Gippsland)
Multi-modal (Gippsland)

Students may select limited units from any campus, but should be aware of the teaching location as this may require travel to another campus. Students may also select units offered in off-campus mode.
Total credit points required192
Duration (years)4 years FT, 8 years PT
Students have a maximum of 10 years to complete this course.
Contact details


There is an increasing need for scientists to be able to communicate their work and its importance to colleagues in other rapidly diverging fields and to grant-awarding bodies, as well as to industry and the community in general. There is also a need for people with specialised and flexible communication skills to make science accessible to the general public.


This double degree is designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills and understanding of the role of science and communication in society.


Students must complete 96 points in the Bachelor of Arts (Communication) component and 96 points in the Bachelor of Science component.

Areas of study

In addition to the communication major, minors can be taken in;

  • Australian studies
  • community studies
  • English
  • history-politics
  • journalism
  • Australian Indigenous studies
  • philosophy
  • psychological studies
  • psychology
  • public relations
  • social and community welfare
  • sociology
  • writing.

For information on arts majors and minors offered, refer to the 'Areas of study' section in this Handbook at

For details on science disciplines, refer to 'Science areas of study and sequences - Gippsland' in the Faculty of Science section of this Handbook at


Arts (communications) component

(a.) a communications major (48 points)

(b.) an arts minor (24 points)

(c.) a further 24 points in arts

By combining some of the core arts requirements, students can complete a double major in two different arts disciplines. For details, contact the Faculty of Arts.

Science component

(a.) two 6-point science core units:

  • SCI2010 (The practice and application of science), and one of SCI1020 (Introduction to statistical reasoning), STA1010 (Statistical methods for science) or MAT1085 (Mathematics 1B) (12 points)

(b.) a science major sequence (excluding computing) (48 points)

(c.) a science minor sequence (24 points)

(d.) at least one first-year-level unit from the following groups - physical processes, life processes, earth process (this unit is to be drawn from a different group from those which include the two chosen science sequences above) (6 points)

(e.) additional electives within the Faculty of Science to complete the 96 points required.

Progression to further studies

Students cannot undertake an honours program from either single degree until they have satisfied the same requirements detailed under 'Alternative exit/s'.

Alternative exit(s)

Students cannot graduate from either single degree until they have satisfied the requirements for that award and successfully completed studies to the value of 144 points in the relevant component. Students are permitted to count up to 48 points of the other faculty's component towards those 144 points. To meet Bachelor of Arts (Communication) requirements students must also complete at least 36 points at third-year level. To satisfy the science component requirements, students cannot include more than 36 points of level one science units and no less than 24 points of level three science units overall.

Award(s) received on completion *

Bachelor of Arts (Communication)

Bachelor of Science

* Where more than one award is listed, or in the case of double degrees, where more than one award is listed for one or both components of the double degree, the actual award/s conferred may depend on units/majors/streams/specialisations studied, the level of academic merit achieved (eg in the case of 'with honours' programs), or other factors relevant to the individual student's program of study.


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