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1506 - Graduate Diploma in Public Policy and Management

This course entry should be read in conjunction with information provided in the Faculty information section of this Handbook by the managing faculty for this course

Abbreviated titleGradDipPubPolMgt
CRICOS Code023745B
Managing facultyBusiness and Economics
Study location and modeOff-campus (Caulfield)
On-campus (Caulfield)
Total credit points required48
Duration (years)1 year FT, 2 years PT
Contact detailsMonash Graduate School of Business, telephone +61 3 9903 1400, fax +61 3 9903 2890, email
Course coordinatorDr Linda McGuire


This course is designed for graduates, in Australia and internationally, who wish to contribute to valued outcomes in the government and community sectors. Participants may work in the public, not-for-profit, local government, private or other sectors. The course focuses on understanding changing expectations about government, changing modes of delivering public services and the changing skills needed by effective leaders and managers.


The learning goals associated with this course are to:

  • develop the ability to analyse public policy, governance and public management issues in the modern context
  • examine the relationship between the public, non-profit/community and corporate sectors
  • acquire the skills to communicate across the government, non-profit and corporate sectors
  • apply theoretical knowledge on public policy, governance and public management to real world strategies in government agencies
  • develop broad competencies in public sector management and leadership.


The course structure has two main components:

  • a set of core units in public policy and management
  • four open electives.


(a.) Students must complete four core units (24 points) as follows:

(b.) students must complete a further four graduate units (24 points) subject to the following conditions:

  • a maximum of two elective units (12 points) may be taken from other faculties.

It is recommended that students consult with the course coordinator to ensure their elective units form a coherent study program.

Progression to further studies

Students who successfully complete the Graduate Diploma in Public Policy and Management may be eligible for admission to the Masters of Public Policy and Management.

Professional recognition

Details of educational requirements for professional recognition can be found at

Alternative exit(s)

Students wishing to exit the Graduate Diploma in Public Policy and Management early may apply to graduate with the Graduate Certificate in Business after successful completion of 24 points of study.

Award(s) received on completion

Graduate Diploma in Public Policy and Management



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