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0041 - Bachelor of Medical Science

This course entry should be read in conjunction with information provided in the Faculty information section of this Handbook by the managing faculty for this course

Abbreviated titleBMedSc
CRICOS Code001450K
Managing facultyMedicine, Nursing and Health Sciences
Study location and modeOn-campus (Gippsland, Clayton, Sunway)
Total credit points required48
Duration (years)1 year FT
Full-time study only
Contact details Telephone: +61 3 9902 0237, email: or visit
Course coordinatorsProfessor Ben Canny and Dr Juanita Fernando


This course provides students with an opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of an aspect of medical science and to pursue the study of this field through research. Students will undertake research activities supervised through a department of the faculty and complete a minor thesis.

Students who have successfully completed at least the first two years of the undergraduate MBBS course and the first year of the graduate entry MBBS may take leave from the medical course to pursue special studies in a discipline area offered by the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences in order to qualify for the degree of Bachelor of Medical Science (BMedSc).

Students who are undertaking a medicine program at a university other than Monash must have completed studies corresponding to a minimum of 2 years of the Monash undergraduate MBBS program in a medicine program with equivalent curriculum content, learning outcome and academic standards as determined by the faculty.


On completion of this course, students will be expected to demonstrate the generic attributes of a Monash graduate. The objectives of the Bachelor of Medical Science are to:

  • demonstrate retrieval, interpretation and evaluation of information in medical and other research based publications
  • acquire an understanding of various methodologies in human and biomedical science research
  • acquire an in-depth understanding of an aspect, issue or problem within a human or biomedical science research field
  • demonstrate an appreciation of the ethical requirements for research activities in human and biomedical science research
  • demonstrate the capacity to design, frame, conduct and report on a small-scale project in human or biomedical science research.


Monash MBBS students commence the course in semester one and must complete an honours research project (48 points).

Non-Monash MBBS students commence the course in semester two and must complete an honours research project (36 points) plus two course work units in research methodology (12 points).

The conferring of this award with honours is based on academic achievement.


Monash MBBS students

  • MED7001 Bachelor of Medical Science 1 (24 points)
  • MED7002 Bachelor of Medical Science 2 (24 points)

Non-Monash MBBS students

  • MED7011 Medical Science Research Project A (18 points)
  • MED7012 Medical Science Research Project B (18 points)
  • MED7201 Medical Research Methods 1 (6 points)
  • MED7202 Medical Research Methods 2 (6 points)

Award(s) received on completion *

Bachelor of Medical Science

Bachelor of Medical Science (with Honours)

* Where more than one award is listed, or in the case of double degrees, where more than one award is listed for one or both components of the double degree, the actual award/s conferred may depend on units/majors/streams/specialisations studied, the level of academic merit achieved (eg in the case of 'with honours' programs), or other factors relevant to the individual student's program of study.


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