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Monash University

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Chemistry - Faculty of Science

Coordinators: Listed below for each year level

The discipline

Chemistry is the study of substances: their makeup, structure and composition; how they behave; and how they may be measured, harnessed and transformed for useful applications in the worlds of materials, medicine, technology and the environment.

The School of Chemistry provides units in chemistry for students with a wide variety of interests, including analytical chemistry, environmental chemistry, materials chemistry, medicinal and biological chemistry, and synthetic chemistry. Opportunities for specialisation in these areas commence at level two. As well as those students who major in chemistry, there are many who need some chemistry as a prerequisite or recommended unit for their higher-level studies.

Both observation and measurement are essential in chemistry. Therefore, all chemistry units involve laboratory work and practice in solving problems in addition to lectures, tutorials and opportunity for oral and written communication.

Students may graduate with a Bachelor of Science (Hons) degree in chemistry after a fourth year of study which combines units on advanced topics in chemistry together with work on a research topic under supervision.

Units offered

Level one

Level two

  • CHM2911 Molecular design and reactivity
  • CHM2922 Instrumental and forensic chemistry
  • CHM2942 Chemistry of life
  • CHM2951 Environmental chemistry - water
  • CHM2962 Food chemistry
  • CHM2981 Chemistry at the interface
  • CHM2990 Introductory chemical research project

Level three

  • CHM3911 Spectroscopy, synchrotron and structure
  • CHM3922 Synthesis 2: Understanding chemical reactions
  • CHM3932 Medicinal chemistry
  • CHM3941 Synthesis 1: Chemistry of bioactive compounds
  • CHM3952 Analytical and forensic chemistry
  • CHM3960 Environmental chemistry
  • CHM3972 Sustainable chemistry
  • CHM3981 Chemistry at the interface
  • CHM3990 Chemistry project

Sequence requirements

Minor sequence in chemistry (24 points)

Major sequence in chemistry (48 points)

  • CHM1011 and CHM1022, or CHM1031 and CHM1042
  • At least 12 points of CHM units at level two
  • The remaining 18 or 24 points from CHM units at level two or three, with at least 18 points at level three

Double major sequence in chemistry (72 points)

Students intending to proceed to honours must undertake at least 12 points of CHM units at level two including CHM2911 and CHM2922, and at least 18 points of CHM units at level three, including at least three of CHM3911, CHM3922, CHM3941 and CHM3952.


Level one

Coordinators (School of Chemistry): Dr Richard Morrison (CHM1011 and CHM1022) and Dr Chris Thompson (CHM1031 and CHM1042)

Four 6-point chemistry units are offered at level one, two in each semester. These sequences are CHM1011 and CHM1022, or CHM1031 and CHM1042.

CHM1011 and CHM1022, or CHM1031 and CHM1042 together are prerequisites for most level-two chemistry units and also are prerequisites or recommended for some other science units.

Level two

Coordinator (School of Chemistry): Dr Mike Grace

At least two chemistry units need to be taken at level two to complete a major sequence Students intending to complete a major sequence in chemistry should note that CHM2911 and CHM2922 must be completed to proceed to honours in chemistry, and that those units are prerequisites for many level-three chemistry units. The level-two program in chemistry is designed to introduce students to many concepts of modern chemistry in a variety of interest areas.

A significant degree of choice exists in chemistry offerings at level two with units providing specialisation in the areas of synthetic, analytical, biological, environmental, food, materials and interfacial chemistry.

Level three

Coordinator (School of Chemistry): Associate Professor Stuart Batten

Depending on the number of Chemistry units taken at level two, a minimum of at least three or four units should be completed at level three for a major sequence in chemistry. Students intending to proceed to honours in chemistry must complete at least 18 points of chemistry units at level three from CHM3911, CHM3941, CHM3922 or CHM3952.


Coordinator (School of Chemistry): Associate Professor Ian McKelvie

Honours in chemistry may be undertaken by students who achieve at least a distinction average grade in 24 points of level three chemistry units (although six points from a chemistry-related discipline may be permitted at the discretion of the honours coordinator). Honours studies include advanced coursework and an extended research project.