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Handbooks Courses Units
Monash University

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Visual culture - Faculty of Arts

Offered by the School of English, Communications and Performance Studies

Visual culture is a multidisciplinary field which incorporates film, television, visual arts, advertising, the built environment, and new digital and electronic forms of representation. Visual culture is associated with a critical shift in art history/visual arts in the late 1960s and the emergence of new disciplines such as film and television studies within the universities. Visual culture breaks down the historical boundaries between high and popular culture and encourages a broad range of disciplinary approaches, including feminist, Marxist, psychoanalytic, structuralist, poststructuralist, postcolonial and post-humanist analysis. Visual culture also encompasses research in art history, and students may choose to concentrate on aspects of art and architecture from the medieval to the postmodern. Postgraduate programs in visual culture give students the possibility of specialisation in Australian art, film and television studies, galleries, museums and the cultural industry, photography and performance.

Visual culture runs a research laboratory seminar program, in which postgraduate students are expected to participate. Supervision is available in the following areas of research:

  • contemporary visual culture (particularly in Australia) including: photography; performance art; fashion; advertising; cyberculture; digital media
  • history and theory of film and television including: Australian, Indonesian and South East Asian film and television; aspects of European cinema, especially Italian and French; documentary cinema; postmodern and avant-garde film; film theory
  • art history and theory including: European medieval, Renaissance and Baroque, especially in Italy; 19th and 20th-century European and American; Australian, colonial to 20th-century; history and theory of photography; applications of colonial/postcolonial, psychoanalytic and queer theory; gallery and museum studies; the art market.

Relevant course groups

  • Graduate Certificate
  • Postgraduate Diploma
  • 3937 Postgraduate Diploma in Arts (Research)
  • Masters degree by coursework
  • 2695 Master of Arts
  • 0020 Doctor of Philosophy


Telephone: +61 3 9905 2277


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