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Handbooks Units

Monash University: University handbooks: Undergraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Bachelor of Adult Learning and Development

Course code: 2296 + Course abbreviation: BAL&D + Total credit points required: 144 + 3 years equivalent full-time (2 years with RPL taking the place of the first year of study); up to 6 years part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Clayton)

Multimode (Clayton)

Course description

This course is designed specifically for people currently working in the field of adult learning and development who wish to upgrade their formal qualifications, gain recognition for prior work experience, and improve their theoretical knowledge and practical expertise.

Course objectives

The course aims to develop flexible and innovative practitioners who can enhance adult learning and facilitate the development of individuals, enterprises, industry and local and global communities. The course embraces all dimensions of adult learning and development, integrates theory with practice, and is delivered in a flexible and adult-oriented learning environment.

Course structure

The Bachelor of Adult Learning and Development is a three-year undergraduate course. By qualifying for 48 points of prior learning through the RPL process, students are eligible to gain advanced standing for the first year of study and enter directly into the second year of the course.

The final two years of the course comprise 14 core units and two elective units. Each unit is valued at 6 points. The course is structured to enable students to develop theoretical and conceptual frameworks in which to reflect critically and constructively on their previous and current work experience, in addition to developing new strategies and approaches for application in workplace and community settings. Their newly acquired knowledge and understandings are reinforced through a range of practical learning activities such as site visits, group workshops, case studies, and independent workplace projects.

Course requirements

First year
  • Recognition of prior learning (RPL) normally equivalent to 48 points
Second year
  • EDF2801 Adult education practices 1
  • EDF2802 Contexts of adult learning and development
  • EDF2803 Learning and researching in work-related contexts
  • EDF2804 Multimedia in adult education: policy and practice
  • EDF2805 Multimedia in adult education: implementation and evaluation
  • EDF2806 Work, organisation and learning
  • EDF2807 Adult education practices 2 – project
  • EDF2808 Policy and change in adult education and training
Third year
  • EDF3801 Program design and delivery
  • EDF3802 Work, development and identity
  • EDF3803 Working with difference
  • EDF3804 Independent work-based project
  • EDF3805 Project management
  • EDF3806 Future directions in adult learning and development
  • two electives chosen from other units offered by the faculty, or other approved units, to the value of 6 points each

Professional recognition

Completion of this course will lead to a recognised tertiary degree in adult and vocational education and training that will place graduates at the forefront of professional knowledge and practice and give them a competitive edge in the employment market. Opportunities exist for further study at honours or masters level.

Contact details

Clayton: telephone +61 3 9905 2819, email or visit

Course coordinator

Ms Allie Clemans

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