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Handbooks Units

Monash University: University handbooks: Undergraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Bachelor of Arts

Course code: 3920 + Course abbreviation: BA + Total credit points required: 144 + 3 years full-time, 6 years part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Malaysia)

Course description

The broad teaching and learning objectives of the Bachelor of Arts degree ask of students that they satisfy the requirements of study within the range of disciplines in the humanities, social sciences and communications offered by the faculty at Monash Malaysia.

Course Objectives

Students are encouraged to grasp the opportunity provided by undertaking a Bachelor of Arts to develop their imaginations and gain a broad understanding of new ideas, skills and concepts.

Course structure

Students must complete the following:

(a) an arts major (48 points) from either of the following study areas:


  • COM1010 Media studies
  • COM1020 Introduction to communication studies
  • COM2/3409 Media texts
  • COM2/3411 Media, culture, power – theories of mass communications
  • COM2407 Authorship and writing
  • COM3413 Cultural and communications policy
  • COM3423 Media audiences
  • PRL2003 Public relations theory and processes


  • COM1010 Media studies
  • COM1020 Introduction to communication studies
  • COM2/3409 Media texts
  • COM2407 Authorship and writing
  • COM3408 Screen theories and techniques
  • WRT2405 Contemporary fiction
  • WRT3421 Writing 1: techniques
  • WRT3422 Writing 2: portfolio

International Studies

  • HPL3503 International relations
  • INT1010 Contemporary worlds 1
  • INT1020 Contemporary worlds 2
  • INT2030/3030 Nationality, ethnicity and conflict
  • INT2040/3040 Globalisation and its discontents
  • INT2050/3050 Mobile worlds: migrants refugees and the politics of belonging
  • INT2060/3060 Global cultures, local traditions: creating and consuming (popular) culture
  • LIN2160/3160 Managing intercultural communications

(b) an arts minor (24 points)

(c) another first-year arts sequence (12 points)

(d) another 12 points of arts at first, second or third-year level

(e) a minimum of 36 points at third-year level (across the duration of the degree).

Of the 144 points, 96 points must be in the structure outlined in steps (a) to (d), and the remaining 48 points may be taken from disciplines in the Faculty of Arts or from disciplines outside the faculty. his means the student can study a second major from the Arts faculty or a major (equivalent) from another faculty. A major from a faculty other than Arts usually requires the permission of that faculty.

Note that no more than 10 units (60 points) are to be completed at a first-year level. Students have a maximum of eight years to complete this course.

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