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University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook:
Units indexed by faculty Graduate Diploma of MidwiferyCourse code: 1240 + Course abbreviation: GradDipMid + Total credit points required: 48 + 4 semesters part-time Study mode and course locationOn-campus (Gippsland – P/T only) Course descriptionThis course, offered by the School of Nursing and Midwifery, is designed to prepare students with the theoretical and practical knowledge and skills necessary to practise midwifery in a multidisciplinary context. Skills for evaluating evidence for best midwifery practice, as well as for development of self, others and the profession, are also features of this preparation. Students are exposed to a wide variety of perspectives and environments in order to help them develop the ability to think critically about the role of the midwife in the maternity care setting. The course is accredited by the Nurses Board of Victoria. The course includes three one-week on-campus study schools, held at the Gippsland campus. The use of online and off-campus delivery enables them to undertake further employment. Students are employed part-time in maternity at participating hospitals across regional, rural and metropolitan Victoria. Course objectivesTo educate midwives to meet the ‘Competency Standards for Midwives’ as described by Australian College of Midwives Incorporated (ACMI); 1. to prepare future midwives for the role of ‘being with women’ (ACMI 1998), with the flexibility to care for women experiencing varied outcomes; 2. to prepare midwives to work in partnership with women, family, medical and allied health personnel to ensure culturally appropriate and safe maternity care that is affordable, acceptable and accessible; 3. through strategic midwifery clinical placement students will have the opportunity to feel confident and nurtured in the maternity care environment; 4. to prepare midwives to abide by the Midwives Code of Ethics (ACMI, 1995) and Midwives Code of Practice (Nurses Board of Victoria, 2000); and 5. to deliver a course meeting the Nurses Board of Victoria requirements for accreditation, according to the Nurses Act, 1993. Course structureStudents will be required to undertake four core units:
AssessmentAssessment includes examinations, case-studies, class presentations and written assignments. Contact detailsAdministrative officer (postgraduate): telephone: +61 3 9902 6441; fax: +61 3 9902 6527 or visit / Course coordinatorMs Maureen Miles Previous page | Next page | Section contents | Title and contents |