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Historical Film Theory and Criticism ( 12 points, SCA Band 1, 0.250 EFTSL)


Leader: Deane Williams

Clayton First semester 2006 (Day)

Synopsis: This unit examines some concepts in the history of film theory by considering a number of theoretical and critical writings in relation to a range of films. Topics for examination include early silent film theory, the notion of the historical avant-garde in the form of French impressionism, the film theories of Kracauer and Bazin, French new wave critisism, the neglected tradition of realist phenomenology in film theory, 1968 and the leftist turn and the question of film language and structuralism.

Assessment: First essay (3000 words): 35% + Second essay (4500 words): 45% + Seminar perticipation and paper (1500 words): 20%

Contact Hours: 4 hours (1 x 2 hour seminar and 1 x 2 hour screening) per week

Prerequisites: Two units at 2nd year level in visual culture, comparative literature and cultural studies or history.