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Social Research Methods ( 6 points, SCA Band 1, 0.125 EFTSL)


Leader: Pam Reynolds

Gippsland Second semester 2006 (Day)
Gippsland Second semester 2006 (OCL)

Synopsis: This unit introduces students to the basic concepts necessary for the research process in the social sciences. Topics include a range of methods used in social research, the strengths and weaknesses of each method, the situations in which each method can be appropriately applied, research design and ethics, data collection techniques, and reporting of research. Verbal skills of interviewing and reporting are assessed as well as written skills. Spreadsheeting is introduced using the university's software package.

Objectives: On successful completion of this unit students should have: 1. Acquired familiarity, both theoretical and practical, with the basic stages of a research project. 2. The ability to describe a range of methods used in conducting social research and be able to assess the strengths and weaknesses of each method. 3. Improved their proficiency in oral and written reporting skills. 4. Developed their capacity for independent achievement of goals. 5. Extended their ability to critically evaluate research reported in current literature. 6. Prepared themselves for undertaking postgraduate research.

Assessment: Assignment one (1000 words): 25% + Assignment two (1500 words): 30% + Assignment three (2000 words): 45%

Contact Hours: 3 hours per week

Prerequisites: 24 points at first year level

Prohibitions: COG1111, GSC1111, BHS2110, BHS3110