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E-business performance measurement ( 6 points, SCA Band 2, 0.125 EFTSL)


Leader: Dr Samir Gupta

Berwick Second semester 2006 (Day)
Gippsland Second semester 2006 (OCL)
Singapore Second semester 2006 (OCL)

Synopsis: This is a capstone unit in assessing whether an e-business is achieving its goals. Linking online activities to business performance. Feedback mechanisms in an online performance measurement environment. Establishing benchmarks. Strategic marketing decisions. Performance measures for external and internal operations: transactions with customers and suppliers as well as efficiency gains within the organisation. Explicitly includes measurement principles, measurement error, and its impact on performance assessment. Cost-benefit assessments. Teaching is case method based.

Objectives: This is a capstone unit in assessing whether an e-business is achieving its goals. Linking online activities to business performance. Feedback mechanisms in an online performance measurement environment. Establishing benchmarks. Strategic marketing decisions. Performance measures for external and internal operations: transactions with customers and suppliers as well as efficiency gains within the organisation. Explicitly includes measurement principles, measurement error, and its impact on performance assessment. Cost-benefit assessments. Teaching is case method based.

Assessment: Assignment(s): 50% + Examination (2 hours): 50%

Contact Hours: 3 Hours class contact or equivalent per week

Prerequisites: MKW2841

Prohibitions: BEW2620