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Leader: Yacinta Kurniasih
Clayton First semester 2006 (Day)
Clayton First semester 2006 (OCL)
Synopsis: Passages from the Indonesian print media and other sources on selected topics relating to Indonesian society, culture and politics are critically analysed. Audio-visual material on such topics is viewed and discussed, and writing tasks using appropriate registers are undertaken. Indonesian is the medium of instruction in all classes.
Objectives: Upon successful completion of this unit students will have: 1. Enhanced and deepened their knowledge of issues in contemporary Indonesian society, politics and culture. 2. Strengthened their understanding of the way Indonesian language is structured and registered, and extended their vocabulary to convey information about, and interpretation of, attitudes to these issues. 3. Enhanced their skills in listening and comprehension of spoken Indonesian language. 4. Increased their skills in reproducing appropriate structure and registers of Indonesian language in speaking and writing. 5. Strengthened their translation skills, both from Indonesian to English and vice versa.
Assessment: Class tasks and assignment (600 words): 15% + Spoken word project:10 minutes 25% + Written project (800 words): 20% + Written Examination: 2 hours 25% + Spoken Exam: 20 minutes 15% Additional comment: All assessment is in Indonesian except for an Indonesian to English translation task on the written exam and a similar task in the class tasks.
Contact Hours: 4 hours (2 x lectures and 2 x workshops) per week
Prerequisites: INM1040 or equivalent