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Mathematics education B ( 6 points, SCA Band 0, 0.125 EFTSL)

Undergraduate, Postgraduate

Leader: Dr H Forgasz

Clayton Second semester 2006 (Day)
Clayton Second semester 2006 (OCL)

Synopsis: This unit builds on the concepts introduced in EDF5454. The focus is on: developing skills to teach sequences of mathematics lessons, using contexts and applications for mathematics teaching, assessing student learning, catering for individual differences, developing awareness of contextual, social, and cultural factors that can impinge on students' mathematics learning, and professional responsibilities.

Objectives: Upon completion of this unit, students should have developed knowledge, understandings, skills, and awareness of a range of issues associated with the teaching and learning of mathematics including: 1. teaching strategies, for example, exposition, practical work, problem-solving, investigations, co-operative group work; 2. teaching resources: textbooks, CDs, books, manipulatives, computer software, PEEL, Maths 300, and websites; 3. technology use: calculators and computers 4. recent developments in the research and practice of mathematics education, for example, curriculum developments, and research findings 5. lesson/topic planning across topics at all secondary grade levels 6. formal and informal assessment modes and tools to monitor and report achievements 7. catering for individual needs: achievement range, cultural and social backgrounds, gender. They should also have developed values and attitudes which reflect a commitment to mathematics teaching, professional development, and lifelong learning, and be aware of their professional responsibilities to students, colleagues, and the wider mathematics teaching community.

Assessment: Presentation (40%) with written report (30%) = 70% (2800 words equivalent); and teaching round folio: 30% (1200 words equivalent). Student involvement in the unit is important. Students must also successfully complete the practicum.

Contact Hours: 3 hours per week

Prerequisites: EDF5454