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Teaching studies D ( 6 points, SCA Band 0, 0.125 EFTSL)


Leader: Dr G Romeo (Peninsula); Dr M Dyson (Gippsland)

Peninsula First semester 2006 (Day)
Gippsland Second semester 2006 (Day)
Peninsula Second semester 2006 (Day)

Synopsis: Module 1 focuses on students demonstrating their ability to accept full classroom responsibility, which includes all the planning, preparation and implementation of a program, evaluating student learning and students reflecting on their own practice. Module 2 is a project that students will undertake on their teaching practice. While the project proposal has been developed in Teaching Studies C, the implementation and evaluation of the project will be undertaken in this module. Module 3 focuses on students developing as a beginning profession. This will involve students in exploring the roles and responsibilities of beginning teachers within an educational community.

Objectives: Students should be able to demonstrate the ability to accept full classroom responsibilities; demonstrate the skills necessary to undertake and implement a project; show an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of being a beginning professional teacher.

Assessment: Project Report (1500 words) ; Professional Portfolio Part 2 (1500 words) ; Satisfactory completion of Practicum Program of up to 20 days : Pass grade only.

Contact Hours: 3 hrs per week

Prerequisites: EDF4105