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Studio arts: three dimensional studies ( 6 points, SCA Band 0, 0.125 EFTSL)


Leader: Ms G Burke

Not offered in 2006.

Synopsis: Students develop expertise in a selection of three-dimensional media and apply these skills to methods of production including relief, free standing, kinetic, installation or performance art. The unit includes research on art theory and practice through lectures and seminars, excursions to galleries and schools, leading to strategies for studio and classroom application.

Objectives: The learning objectives of this unit are to explore, develop and refine technical, experimental and aesthetic solutions to the sculptural format; to successfully complete two sculpture projects that show development of personal concepts relevant to choice of media; to develop skills in a range of media introduced throughout the semester; to develop art appreciation skills relevant to sculpture and contemporary art; to be innovative and experimental with sculptural forms and concepts; to develop drawing and design expertise; document processes involved in creating collaborative sculpture.

Assessment: Seminar paper (800 words): 20% + Folio (2000 word equivalence): 50% + Visual Journal (1200 word equivalence): 30%

Contact Hours: 2 hours per week