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Integrated urban water management ( 6 points, SCA Band 2, 0.125 EFTSL)



Clayton Second semester 2006 (Day)

Synopsis: This unit is designed to give a broad understanding of the integrated management of water resources within an urban context. This is a field of practice growing in importance in Australia and overseas, and will equip students well for careers in urban water management. The scope of the course will be multi-disciplinary, giving students an understanding of the range of perspectives required in integrated urban water management (IUWM) covering structural and non-structural techniques available. The social science and ecological perspectives will be emphasized to give an appreciation of the multi-disciplinary nature of IUWM. Software packages such as MUSIC and Aquacycle will be introduced.

Objectives: 1. Understand the components that make up the urban water cycle and urban water systems 2. Understand the interactions between urban water cycle components and appreciate the complexities and conflicts involved in integrated management of urban water systems 3. Understand the principles of, and methods for, integrated urban water management 4. Understand the basic ecological and social science perspectives of IUWM and the need for a multi-disciplinary perspective 5. Develop and design IUWM strategies at a conceptual level 6. Use software packages, such as MUSIC and Aquacycle, for IUWM design and assessment.

Assessment: Group project: 50% + Closed book examination (3 hours): 50%. Students must pass both the exam and the cumulative assignment work to gain a pass in the unit.

Contact Hours: Two hour lecture, two hour practice class, eight hour private study per week

Prerequisites: CIV3264, CIV2263 and CIV2207 (or CIV3264, CIV2261 and CIV2262)

Corequisites: CIV3264