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Monash University: University handbooks: Undergraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Bachelor of Science Advanced (with Honours)

Course code: 3520 + Course abbreviation: BScAdv(Hons) + Total credit points required: 192 + 4 years full-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Clayton F/T only; Gippsland F/T only)

Course description

On completion of the BScAdv(Hons), students will have achieved honours-level research studies in one contemporary specialised area of science study, founded upon an advanced level of understanding of at least two areas of science. Graduates will have specialist training in one or more science disciplines, with the potential for postgraduate study, leading to employment opportunities in any of the traditional careers for scientists. Overall, the course provides students with improved life and employment skills through a general appreciation of science and demonstrated competence in the Monash science graduate attributes, which include the effective use of information technology, data handling, laboratory skills, communication skills and team work.

Course structure

Areas of study

Students must complete either two major sequences in science or a minor plus a double-major sequence in different science areas of study along with a specified number and type of science electives. Up to 30 points of elective units are permitted from other faculties, subject to the completion of all of the science requirements. The science studies must be chosen from the science units listed in the section ‘Science areas of study and sequences’ later in this section of the handbook.

Course requirements

The first two stages of the course provide strong and coordinated foundation studies in some of the ‘basic sciences’, and the second two stages concentrate on the development of research skills, leading to the completion of the honours year. At most, 60 points of level-one units may be taken overall towards the course.

Stage one

Students at the Clayton campus must normally complete one of the five 48-point packages of level-one units that are listed below. In these packages, the ‘earth processes’ and ‘physical processes’ areas of study are defined as for level one of the Bachelor of Science course. Where possible, students should complete at least three 12-point science sequences at stage one.

Chemical sciences
Earth and environmental sciences
Mathematical and computational sciences
Physical sciences

Students at the Gippsland campus must normally complete one of the three 48-point packages of level-one units that are listed below:

Applied biological and chemical sciences
Environmental science and resource management
  • * Students who have completed VCE Chemistry will be individually counselled on whether they need to complete CHM1731 or may select an additional elective science unit.

Mathematical sciences and computing

Stage two

  • 24 points of level-two science units to complete minor sequences in two different science areas of study
  • For students enrolled at the Clayton campus this will include at least one minor in biological sciences, chemistry, geosciences, geography, materials science, mathematical sciences, molecular biology or physics
  • For students enrolled at the Gippsland campus this will include at least one minor in applied biochemistry, applied chemistry, applied microbiology, applied statistics, mathematics and modelling, human physiology or environmental science and resource management
  • SCI2020, plus a level-one science core unit if one has not been completed at stage one
  • Two or three 6-point elective units, to provide a total of at least 48 points of studies at stage two

Stage three

Students must complete 48 points of science units at level two or level three to complete two major sequences, or one double major sequence, in science areas of study, including no more than 12 points at level two and at least 36 points of level-three science units. At least one major sequence should include a 6-point level-three research project unit in an area of research strength of science at Monash.

Students completing a major sequence in psychology as part of the course should also complete a major sequence in another science area of study, as a place in the honours year in psychology cannot be assured.

Stage four

Students will complete 48 points of level-four science units, in accordance with the normal requirements for the Bachelor of Science (Honours) in a science area of study.

The maximum time for completion of the course is six years, including intermissions.

Course progression requirements

A sustained high-level of achievement must be demonstrated throughout the course. Prior to the commencement of the March semester in any year, all students enrolled in the course will be assessed to determine whether they should remain in the course, based on their performance in the best 42 points of studies (including at least 30 points of science units) that were completed in the preceding academic year (from December to November, including summer semester). Students will be permitted to remain in the course if in those 42 points of units they achieved a mark of at least 70% in all of those units with an average grade of at least 80% across those units. Students who do not meet this standard will be required to transfer to the Bachelor of Science course.

Contact details

Course coordinator

Dr Cristina Varsavsky (Clayton)

Associate Professor Phil Rayment (Gippsland)

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