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Monash University: University handbooks: Undergraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Bachelor of Science

Course code: 0050 (Clayton); 2005 (Gippsland) + Course abbreviation: BSc + Total credit points required: 144 + 3 years full-time, 6 years part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Clayton; Gippsland)
Off-campus (Gippsland P/T only)

Course description

The course aims to provide students with a broad, general science education, equipping them for employment in both the public and corporate sectors where the emphasis is on generic skills, including numeracy, data analysis and presentation skills, and the capacity to work in teams. They will also have specialist training in one or more science disciplines, with the potential for honours and postgraduate study, leading to employment opportunities in any of the traditional careers for scientists.

Course structure

Areas of study

Students must complete a minor and major sequence in science towards the course, along with a specified number and type of science electives, two core units in science and up to 48 points of non-science electives. The science studies must be chosen from the science units listed in the section ‘Science areas of study and sequences’ in this handbook.

Course requirements

Students must complete all of the following:

  • At least one major sequence in a science area of study.
  • At least one minor sequence in a science area of study.
  • At least one core unit at level one from SCI1020, STA1010, MTH1030 or MAT1085, and the core unit SCI2010 at level two.
  • Either at least one level-one unit from each of the three ‘PLE’ groups in physical processes (P), life processes (L) and earth processes (E), or at least three 12 point level-one science sequences in different areas of study.*
  • At least 36 points of science units at level one and at least 24 points of science units at level three.
  • No more than 48 points of units offered by another faculty, subject to meeting any entry requirements of that faculty.
  • At most, 60 points of level-one units overall (including core ‘PLE’ and non-science units).

For details of available science minor and major sequences, consult the section ‘Science areas of study and sequences’ for the campus of course enrolment. The ‘PLE’ groups for the Clayton campus include the following areas of study:

  • Physical processes: astronomy, chemistry, materials science, physics
  • Life processes: biology, psychology
  • Earth processes: atmospheric science, geosciences, geography

The ‘PLE’ groups for the Gippsland campus include the following areas of study:

    * Level-one science sequences will comprise two level-one units in the same area of study (egg CHM1011 and CHM1022). Normally this combination of units will have the same prefix and is among those required for the completion of a minor sequence in that area of study.

The maximum time for completion of the course is 10 years, including intermissions.

Stage one

It is recommended that at least two 12-point level-one science sequences, a level-one core unit and units from at least two of the three ‘PLE’ groups are commenced at stage one. Where possible, commencing three 12-point level-one sequences can assist students in their selection of minor and major areas of study at stage two, and is an approved alternative to satisfy the PLE requirement.

Stage two

It is recommended that at least two science minor sequences and the level-two core unit are undertaken at stage two and that any remaining ‘PLE’ units are completed. Students are strongly advised to complete the PLE requirement by the end of stage two.

Stage three

Students should complete their science major sequence and any remaining units needed to complete any outstanding course requirements at stage three. Additional level-two and level-three science units may also be taken at stage three, for example to complete a second science major sequence or a double-major sequence. Where a student has completed at least 96 points of study towards a Bachelor of Science and not yet completed the full PLE requirement, it could be satisfied by completing one of a limited number of approved units at level 2.

Course progression requirements

To be eligible to apply for entry into the honours year, students should obtain a distinction grade average (70%) or above in 24 points of studies in relevant units at level three, which will normally include at least 18 points of units in the area of study in which they wish to undertake honours.

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