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Monash University: University handbooks: Undergraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Bachelor of Communication/Bachelor of Information Technology and Systems

Course code: 3909 + Course abbreviation: BComn/BITS + Total credit points required: 192 + 3 years full-time, 6 years part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Berwick)

Course description

The course provides major studies in the theory, practice, technology and research techniques of mass communications together with studies in the design and development of multimedia systems.

Course structure

Areas of study

For information on majors and minors, refer to the ‘Areas of study’ section on the Arts faculty website at

Course requirements

Communication component

Students must complete 96 points, including the following:

(a) A major in communication (48 points).

(b) A first-year sequence in visual culture VSA1000 and VSA1050.

(c) A minor in an arts discipline (24 points).

(d) Additional arts studies - electives (12 points).

Information technology and systems component

Students must complete 96 points, including the following:

(a) Seven core IT units:

(b) A major in multimedia:

Students cannot graduate from either degree until they have satisfied the above requirements and successfully completed studies to the value of 144 points. Students undertaking the above double-degree program are permitted to count up to 48 points of the other faculty’s component towards those 144 points. Students must also complete at least 36 points at third-year level to meet Bachelor of Communication requirements.

Note that students have a maximum of 10 years to complete this course.

Note that at the time of publication the units required for the information technology and systems component were not finalised. Students are advised to contact the Faculty of Information Technology to confirm later-year units.

Contact details


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