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Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Executive Certificate in Food Business Management

Course code: 3811 + Course abbreviation: ExecCertFoodBus + Total credit points required: 24 + 1 semester full-time, 2 semesters part-time

Study mode and course location

Off-campus (Peninsula)

Course description

This course focuses on entrepreneurial and innovative attitudes to strategic challenges in the food industry. Students will gain knowledge of modern business management concepts and their application to the food industry. They will also develop skills in communication and teamwork and apply them to solving complex business problems. Units in this course are generally taught as residential blocks.

Course structure

Students must complete four core units (24 points):

  • MGX9800/MKX9910 Food value chain management
  • MGX9810 Food innovation management
  • MGX9820 Food business management and motivation
  • MGX9830 Food business strategy and implementation

Contact details

Program manager

Dr Lawrie Dooley

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