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Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Graduate Diploma in Linguistics

Course code: 3768 + Course abbreviation: GradDipLing + Total credit points required: 48 + 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Clayton)

Course description

This program offers an opportunity for students who already have a bachelors degree without a linguistics major to complete a major in order to qualify for entry into the honours program in linguistics.

Entry requirements

All applicants are required to hold a bachelors degree.

Course structure

The course consists of 48 points. Students will normally complete eight 6-point units conforming to the requirement of the linguistics major (see below). Students with some background in linguistics may undertake a combination of 6-point and 12-point (fourth-year) units in consultation with the course coordinator.

A linguistics major must normally include the two core introductory units and at least one unit from each of the four groups listed, with a minimum of 18 points being completed at third or fourth-year level:

Core introductory units

  • LIN1010 The language game: why do we talk the way we do? (6 points)
  • LIN1020 Describing and analysing language and communication (6 points)
Group 1: Structure
  • LIN2070/3070 Eastern Austronesian languages of Indonesia, East Timor and Oceania
  • LIN2090/3090 Syntax: grammatical structure, typology and universals
  • LIN2370/3370 Aboriginal languages of Australia
  • LIN2510/3510 Structure of English
Group 2: Sound and meaning
Group 3: Language and society
Group 4: Applications
  • LIN2430/3430 Psycholinguistics and child language acquisition
  • LIN2160/3160 Managing intercultural communication
  • LIN2490/3490 Literacies and communication
  • LIN2550/3550 Second language acquisition and attrition
  • LIN3180 Data Management for linguists
  • LIN3050/4050 Developing language maintenance programs
  • LIN3040/4040 Researching and documenting languages
  • LIN3060/4060 Working with linguistic archival materials
  • LIN2470/3470 Intercultural communications

Honours electives

  • LIN4740 Linguistic theory (12 points)
  • LIN4720 Special topics in linguistics (12 points)

Alternative electives may be approved on an individual basis.

Contact details

Course coordinator

Dr Heather Bowe

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