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Monash University: University handbooks: Postgraduate handbook: Units indexed by faculty
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Graduate Certificate in Linguistics

Course code: 3767 + Course abbreviation: GradCertLing + Total credit points required: 24 + 0.5 years full-time, 1 year part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Clayton)

Course description

This program offers students without a degree but with extensive professional experience in relevant areas an exposure to the key ideas of linguistics so as to prepare them for continuing studies. The program aims to meet, in part, the needs of people wishing to apply linguistics in various professional fields; it focuses upon the central aspects of the discipline and aims to develop students’ basic knowledge and skills in these areas.

Entry requirements

Applicants should hold a pass bachelors degree; or extensive experience in language-related teaching, translating/interpreting, journalism etc.

Course structure

Students complete two of the following fourth-year units (12 points each):

  • ALM4110 General linguistics (compulsory unless exempted)
  • ALM4130 Language and society
  • ALM4150 Research design in applied linguistics

Students who complete (with credit) two single units through Monash University/Open Universities Australia in applied linguistics may be awarded the Graduate Certificate in Linguistics without further requirements. (Students should note that prior study of linguistics is not required as a prerequisite for single-unit study.)

Contact details

Course coordinator

Dr Heather Bowe

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