Monash University: University Handbooks: Undergraduate handbook 2005: Units indexed by faculty
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Undergraduate handbook 2005 - Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences

Bachelor of Nursing/Bachelor of Rural Health Practice

Course code: 3558 + Course abbreviation: BN/BRurHlthPrac + Total credit points required: 192 + 4 years full-time, 8 years part-time

Study mode and course location

On-campus (Gippsland)

Course description

The course aims to comprehensively prepare graduates to a standard consistent with the identified needs for establishing and sustaining a career in rural nursing practice. The first two years of the course are identical to the Bachelor of Nursing. The last two years prepare students to function safely and effectively in a variety of rural practice settings. Students will develop a broader range of primary assessment skills, and advanced generalist practice skills consistent with addressing rural health crises including medical, obstetric and mental health emergencies, rural road trauma, and farming and industrial accidents.
Students will expand their ability to plan and provide health education, health screening and health promotional activities. They will extend their insight into the implications of multidisciplinary collaborative care, rural health issues and practice, and the health problems, patterns and needs of diverse population groups, including Indigenous Australians.
The course addresses the multicultural complexity of Australian society and current socio-political and economic issues affecting nursing and health care.

Entry requirements

All applicants must apply through the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC), 40 Park Street, South Melbourne, Victoria 3205, Australia, telephone 1300 364 133, infoline 1902 241 114.

Special requirements

Police checks

Organisations which host clinical placements may require students to have obtained a police check regarding their suitability to undertake such placements. All enrolled and prospective students are advised that they may be required to obtain and pay for a police check prior to undertaking the clinical placements in their course.


Students should be aware of their legal position regarding the administration and storage of drugs. In addition, it is the policy of the campus that where drugs are required to be checked by two people prior to administration under the Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 (Victoria), and Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Regulations, 1995; the student and supervisor (clinical teacher or registered nurse) are considered as one person. Students should be aware of the drug administration policy relevant to the particular year of study.


Students are responsible for all arrangements and expenses related to travel and accommodation for clinical experience.
Uniforms and accessories are required for clinical placements, and students will be notified regarding purchase arrangements upon commencement.


Students are required to obtain relevant vaccinations prior to clinical placements. Arrangements regarding serological screening and vaccination will be organised on commencement.

Course structure

Majors and other studies

In the clinical setting, the student will have an opportunity to apply theory to practice under supervision. Clinical practice experience commences in the first semester of the course and increases progressively in duration.
Students attend a broad range of areas including medical/surgical, aged care, paediatrics, mental health, operating theatre, accident and emergency, intensive care, community health, multidisciplinary care and midwifery. These clinical experiences are under the supervision of academic staff from the school, clinicians and approved clinical teachers.
This course incorporates 38 weeks of full-time clinical placement in a range of rural, regional and metropolitan health practice settings. This includes 32 weeks of nursing, two weeks counselling and four weeks of multidisciplinary placements. Attendance is mandatory for the clinical component of each unit.
Where a student's skill or knowledge is found to be inadequate, access to the clinical component of the unit will be denied.
A student may be withdrawn from a clinical practicum if required skills and knowledge are deemed inadequate, or on other grounds deemed appropriate by the head of school.

Course requirements

To qualify for the Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of Rural Health Practice, students must satisfactorily complete the following units.

First year
First semester
Second semester
Second year
First semester
Second semester
Third year
First semester
Second semester
Fourth year
First semester
Second semester

Professional recognition

The Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of Rural Health Practice will be awarded on completion of the course. Students having satisfactorily completed three years of this course and the requirements for the Bachelor of Nursing will be eligible for general nurse registration (division 1) with the Nurses Board of Victoria.

Contact details

Telephone: +61 3 9902 6454

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