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Monash University Handbooks


Managing services (6 points)


Leader: Ms Alison Dean (Chief Examiner)

Gippsland Second semester 2003 (OCL)
Perth Second semester 2003 (Day)
Singapore Second semester 2003 (OCL)
Gippsland Second semester 2004 (OCL)
Perth Second semester 2004 (Day)
Singapore Second semester 2004 (OCL)

Synopsis: The essential features and principles of service management. Emphasises the role of consumers, service relationships and quality. Insights are provided into the fundamentals of service management including service design and positioning, value and pricing. The management of employees and internal processes, and organisational interfaces between marketing operations and human resources are discussed.

Assessment: Assignments: 50% + Examination (3 hours): 50%

Contact Hours: Off-campus, approximately 12 hours per week, second semester

Prerequisites: MGW1010 or equivalent

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