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Engineering geographic information systems (6 points)


Leader: K R Spriggs

Gippsland Second semester 2003 (Day)

Synopsis: Initial theory deals with the issues surrounding vector verses bitmap graphic representation and conversion; the data sources of satellite GPS, ground survey, map digitisation and cadastre reconciliation; and the visual representational issus of multi layer/plane graphics and overlays. The software engineering elements concentrate on the information engineering challenges of establishing geocoded tables; integrating RDMS elements; displaying spatial relationships; employing COM/Active X objects to implement GIS capability into programs; familiarity with the industry standard GIS commercial programs and SQL query and interrogation of the data.

Assessment: Student seminar: 20% + Laboratory based assignments: 40% (considered as work requirements) + Laboratory based project: 40%

Contact Hours: 26 lecture hours, 52 laboratory/tutorial hours

Prerequisites: GSE2002, GSE2003 and GSE3701

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