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Monash University Handbooks


System validation and verification, quality and standard (6 points)


Leader: Sita Ramakrishnan

Clayton Second semester 2003 (Day)
Clayton First semester 2004 (Day)
Clayton Second semester 2004 (Day)

Synopsis: This subject covers the products, processes, techniques and tools for system validation & verifications including acceptance tests. Commercial Testing Tools from Rational, Mercury interactive and others will be used to apply in practice knowledge learnt about software testing from a theoritical perspective. Inspection and testing methodologies, analysis of artifacts, robustness, performance analysis configuration management, quality ssurance plan and standards including ISO9000/AS39000, compliance, assessment, certification issues are covered.

Assessment: Assignments 80%, Demonstration 20%

Prerequisites: CSE2201, CSE2304, CSE2305, CSE3308, BUS2176 and CSE2/3391 and CSE2/3395

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