Throughout your university course, you are strongly encouraged to seek the
advice of the tutors and lecturers whose classes you attend. The faculty also
has experienced course advisers who can assist you with all administrative
inquiries or direct you to the correct service for academic difficulties. On
occasion it will be necessary to make appointments for long consultations with
faculty advisers, and we ask that you come to these interviews as prepared as
possible. You are also strongly encouraged to observe the relevant course
requirements listed in this handbook to avoid getting into course-related
difficulties, which might result in a delay in completing your degree. In
addition to the Language and Learning Unit located on the first floor of the
Menzies building, the faculty has a Student Progress and Equity Committee. The
committee members can assist you with academic difficulties arising from a
range of personal or academic issues. Inquiries should be directed to the
faculty coursework coordinator.
A more comprehensive list of faculty and university student services for
students experiencing difficulty can be found in the Student Resource Guide
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