Monash University: University Handbooks: Undergraduate Handbook 2001: Subjects indexed by faculty
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Bachelor of Arts (Psychology and Humanities)

General information

Course code: 1712
The Bachelor of Arts (Psychology and Humanities) degree gives students opportunities to develop an understanding of psychology as a scientific discipline and to appreciate the role it plays within society as a whole. The construction of major and minor sequences enables students to undertake specialised studies in humanities and social sciences in other disciplines to complete their learning in psychology.

Professional recognition

The major sequence in psychology is a common program offered on the Caulfield, Clayton and Gippsland campuses by the Department of Psychology. The Australian Psychological Society accredited major comprises 10 six-point subjects: nine core subjects and one elective subject. Some third-level electives may be undertaken at second level, providing prerequisites and corequisites are met.

Course structure

A candidate for the degree must fulfil the following requirements to receive the award of the Bachelor of Arts (Psychology and Humanities):
(a) complete at least 144 but not more than 162 points
(b) complete at least 96 points within the School of Humanities, Communications and Social Sciences
(c) complete a minimum of eight and a maximum of 10 first-level subjects, including a first-level sequence in psychology and three first-level sequences chosen from arts disciplines
(d) complete a minimum of 36 points at third-year level
(d) complete a psychology major sequence (54 points) and an arts major sequence (48 points) (students who wish to take the additional subject required for registration with the Australian Psychological Society may do so as part of their elective credit points)
(e) undertake additional subjects to complete 144 points needed for the degree.

Psychology major sequence
First year
Second year
Third year

In addition to the core subjects above, students wanting an accredited psychology major must select one elective from the following:

For further information, refer to ´Psychology' under the Bachelor of Arts entry.

Arts major sequences

The arts major may be chosen from gender studies, history-politics, Indonesian, Koorie studies, mass communications, sociology or writing (details on each discipline are provided under the entry for the School of Humanities, Communications and Social Sciences).

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