GRN4515German Studies, advanced III, part 1(ART)
H Heinze and K Rigby 6 points + 4 hours per week + First semester + Clayton + Prerequisites: GRN3415, GRN3425, or equivalent (to be determined after consultation with subject coordinators) + Prohibitions: GRN4415, GRN4615 Synopsis: Component 1: Spoken and written German. Areas covered will be politics, history, social issues, environmental issues, humour, literature and literary figures. Attention will also be given to general aspects of daily life, including colloquial language and proverbs, and to technical language. Component 2: Students will be introduced to some important issues and debates in contemporary German intellectual life through a series of articles and extracts by prominent German-speaking intellectuals, such as Hans-Magnus Enzensberger, Jürgen Habermas, Niklas Luhmann, Ulrich Beck and others. [...] -- FULL TEXT AT HTTP://GERMAN.ARTS.MONASH.EDU.AU Assessment: Essay (1000 words): 20% + Classpaper: 15% + Test (45 min.): 15% + Exam (1 hour): 20% + 4 homework exercises: 20% + Oral assessment: 10% |
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