Bachelor of Science (Biotechnology)

General information

Course code 2006 · Gippsland campus or distance education · Course adviser: Mrs Jenny Mosse
This laboratory-based program is, of necessity, an interdisciplinary course, with a core of basic science including biochemical and microbiological techniques. Two strands are offered - in medical biotechnology and industrial biotechnology.
In the medical strand, students also undertake studies in physiology, before considering the biochemical basis of disease, infectious disease, immunology and immunopathology, epidemiology and diagnostics. This strand is attractive to students interested in medical aspects of biology.
The industrial strand incorporates a core which covers recombinant DNA technology, natural products chemistry, principles of modern instrumentation, experimental design and data analysis. Links with regional industries enable final-year students to participate in directed biotechnological research in their applied research project. Additional subjects may be selected from relevant areas such as environmental science, computing and statistics.

Level 1

Level 1 study program for students commencing in 2000 and planning to enter this course in second year (48 points):

Medical strand

Level 2
Level 3

Industrial strand

Level 2
Level 3