
Physiological communication


Mr Peter Freeman

6 points + Second semester + Three 1-hour lectures plus an average of 2 hours of practical work per week + Gippsland/Distance + Prerequisites: ASC1637 or GAS1186 or BIO1637 + Prohibitions: PHY2022, PHY2062, ASC2716 + Distance students complete lab component at home

Synopsis: BIO2727 relies on foundation studies in BIO1637, which provided an overview of the normal physiology of some of the systems of the body. BIO2727 will emphasise the mechanisms of communication between body systems and the importance of these mechanisms in maintaining homeostasis and the correct functioning of other body systems. The two major communication systems of the body, the nervous and endocrine systems, will be considered in detail. The effect of these communication systems at various levels of organisation, (including tissue, organ, system and whole organism) is considered in detailed studies of the digestive system and the reproductive system.

Assessment: Practical report and assignment (1000 words and 2000 words): 30% + Final examination (3 hours): 70%