Map 5.4 Bachelor of Computing, Gippsland (business systems major)

Course code: 1720

First year


First semester

GCO1815 Computer technology (6points)

GCO1063 Human communications (6points)

GAS1751 Quantitative methods (6points)

Elective (6points)

Second semester

GCO1811 Computer programming 1 (6points)

GCO1813 Information systems 1 (6points)

AFG1003 Business information (6points)

Elective (6points)

Second year


First semester

GCO2811 Commercial programming (6points)

GCO2813 Information systems2 (6points)

GCO2812 Computer organisation (6points)

Elective (6points)

Second semester

GCO2815 Database management systems (6points)

GCO2802 Computer models for business decisions (6points)

GCO2816 Object-oriented analysis and design (6points)

Elective (6points)

Third year

48 points

First semester

GCO3900 Business systems project (fullyear) (12points)

GC03807 Project management (6points)

Elective (6points)

Elective (6points)

Second semester

GCO3816 Information systems management (6points)

Elective (6points)

Elective (6points)

Elective subjects: Students must take eight elective units from a list approved by the head of the school, of which at least two must be third-level business systems electives. At least four of the eight must be at second level or above.
_ May be taken in either semester.