
General information

Course code: 2025
The double degree of Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Education requires a minimum of four years of full-time study, or five years for the degree with honours, or the equivalent in part-time study. Entry to the double degree is based on the entry requirements for the Bachelor of Music and the Bachelor of Education degrees. To qualify for the award, students must complete subjects to the value of a minimum of 208 credit points over the length of the course, of which 96 points should come from subjects offered by the Faculty of Education and 112 points from subjects offered by the Faculty of Arts in the Bachelor of Music degree.
Students take approved combinations of subjects in (i) music performance, composition, musicology or ethnomusicology, and (ii) teaching and curriculum, English and studies of society and environment.

Music sequence

Students take approved combinations of subjects in music performance, composition, musicology or ethnomusicology totalling 112 points (24 at first year, 40 at second year, 32 at third year and 16 at fourth year) in music subjects from the following:

First year - 24 points
Second year - 40 points
plus eight points from



Third year - 32 points
Fourth year - 16 points
plus eight points from

Education sequence

First year
Second year
Third year
Fourth year