
A group analytic approach to organisational life

This optional subject will be taught through a series of 15 sessions of 2 hours each, and is provided as an alternative option to the experiential group supervision subjects, for those students who do not have access to a therapy group of their own through their employment · Prerequisite: MGA0005

Objectives On completion of this subject candidates will be able to demonstrate the capacity to extend observational skills developed in earlier subjects; apply techniques of thematic analysis to observational material; discuss themes in a manner that is theoretically meaningful and be aware of dynamics within their own research and discussion groups.

Synopsis This subject applies group analytic concepts to understand organisational dynamics, and has theoretical and experiential components. Students will be introduced to relevant literature from the organisational field and have the opportunity to discuss this in class. In the experiential component, students will apply their weekly readings in discussions of dynamics within their own work place (or a professional/ voluntary group in which they are actively involved). The aim is that students will develop the capacity to conceptualise organisational dynamics in group analytic terms; identify group dynamics within work units and teams and utilise the application of group analytic principles to understanding organisation dynamics.

Assessment Written assessment: 100%

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