
Observation and discussion of group work

This optional subject will be taught through a series of 15 sessions of 2 hours each, and is provided as an alternative option to the experiential group supervision subjects, for those students who do not have access to a therapy group of their own through their professional work.

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be able to demonstrate an increased understanding of group processes and group psychotherapy techniques and their practical applications through observation and discussion.

Synopsis This subject draws on the methodology of infant observation and extends the technique to observing clinical and work groups. The aim of this subject is to help the student to put into perspective knowledge gained from the first year subjects, thereby increasing understanding of theoretical concepts in a clinical setting. Each session will involve observing a group from behind a one way screen and/or observation of suitable videos for purposes of training. This will be followed by a discussion of the group observed in relation to techniques used, role of the conductor, various group dynamics at play, etc.

Assessment Written assessment: 100%

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