
Anaesthetic and post anaesthetic nursing principles and practices

Ms S Peter

6 points · 36 hours theory · 76 hours clinical · First semester · Corequisite: CNS6301 (Advanced pathophysiology) · MMC Clayton

Objectives Classroom and clinically based learning activities are expected to enable students to demonstrate care of patients undergoing and recovering from surgery and anaesthesia; knowledge of principles of general, regional and local anaesthesia in adults and children; appropriate technical and nursing assistance during anaesthesia.

Synopsis The focus of this subject is on fundamental principles and practices specific to adults and children undergoing and recovering from surgery and anaesthesia. Commonly used anaesthetic agents, anaesthetic equipment, physiologic monitoring, pain management and fluid replacement therapy are examples of content which will be covered. Clinical experience will allow the student to apply and consolidate this knowledge.

Assessment An examination and by clinical performance standards.

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