
Critical care concepts 2

Mr D Glanville

6 points · 36 hours theory · 36 hours clinical · Second semester · MMC Clayton

Objectives This subject is expected to enable students to :analyse the interrelationships and processes of various psychosocial and physiological concepts to acute health breakdown experience; apply these concepts to various client situations and critical care settings; appreciate that emotions, attitudes and thoughts are imbedded in the illness experience of critically ill clients; conduct appropriate advanced nursing assessments and therapies to health breakdown processes; apply previously learned pathophysiological concepts to a systematic framework in order to organise, analyse and synthesise data within a variety of advanced critical care situations.

Synopsis This subject further develops concepts introduced in CNS6401 (Critical care concepts 1) and enables the student to explore the experience of critical illness through advanced concepts. Critical care issues such as brain death, organ donation, vulnerability, chronicity and crisis are examples of problems which will be addressed in this subject. Following an analysis of the interelationships and processes of the given concepts, the student appraises knowledge gained and applies this to a range of client situations in various acute and critical care settings.

Assessment Learning contract: 50% · Clinical performance appraisals: 50%

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