Master of Business Systems by projects


Clayton campus
Course code: 2399
Director of program: Dr. Chris White
Web address:
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The Master of Business Systems by projects is a coursework degree offered by the School of Business Systems. The aim of the program is to provide education and training in methods used in the analysis, design, development and application of computer systems to the management of business operations. This involves the study of business-related techniques, practices and procedures in areas such as management, commercial, financial, health and industrial systems, leading to an understanding of the application of computer systems and information technology for business purposes.
The course structure accommodates those wishing to upgrade their previous qualifications with studies in business systems. The course is intended for those who wish to undertake project work and specialise in a specific area within business systems.

Admission requirements

Entrance normally requires a first degree which is recognised as equivalent to an Australian bachelors degree. Those expecting to complete their degrees in the current year may apply.

Fees for Australian residents

In 1999 the course fee will be $12,000 or $1000 per subject.


The course consists of three semesters of full-time study (normally one calendar year). The option of part-time study is available to Australian residents.

Course structure

The course consists of twelve subjects organised into three modules. Module 1 has computer literacy and numeracy components which are complemented with studies in business systems. Module 2 has a research methods component which builds on prior analytical studies. In module 2, students begin to specialise in a business systems area such as management, commercial, financial, health or industrial systems and work with individual members of staff. Module 3 allows the student to further specialise and undertake project work in their preferred area. The results of the project work are presented in the form of working papers.
The standard structure is:

Module 1: four units
Module 2: four units
Module 3: four units


Credit and advanced standing

Generally, students who have completed similar subjects in previous studies will normally be required to make substitutions. Credit will only be granted for postgraduate subjects that have not counted for the award of any other degree or diploma. Where credit is granted, the number of elective subjects that can be taken outside of the School of Business Systems is reduced. Subjects taken as part of the Master of Business Systems by distance education are considered to be subjects of the School of Business Systems.
Applicants who hold an honours degree in business systems from Monash University or Graduate Diploma in Business Systems from Monash University will normally be granted advanced standing equivalent to four subjects.