Master of Business Systems by distance education - Gippsland


Course code: 2400
Course director: Dr Baikunth Nath


The Master of Business Systems aims to provide an extended education and training in methods used in the design, development and applications of computer systems for the management of business operations. This involves the study of business-related computer techniques and business procedures leading to an understanding of the design, operation and control of computer systems. Applications include those in management, planning, scheduling, forecasting, production management, project management, financial management, business modelling, multimedia communications, electronic data interchange and other functional areas of business, industry and government.
This course is offered as a part-time distance education course by the Gippsland School of Computing and Information Technology. It may be possible to transfer from the distance education mode to the on-campus mode at Clayton.
Distance education students need to make use of a personal computer and an internet service provider. Students should consult with the course director to ensure computer compatibility with software used in the course.

Admission requirements

Candidates with a recognised bachelors degree and a relevant graduate diploma or a relevant honours degree will normally be admitted to the masters year. Applicants with a bachelors degree will normally be required to enter the masters preliminary or the Graduate Diploma in Business Systems.

Fees for Australian residents

In 1999 the course fee for the distance education mode is $8000 or $1000 per subject.


The course is normally completed over two years of part-time study.

Course structure

To qualify for the Master of Business Systems degree students complete parts A and B, described below:

Part A

At least four subjects from the following groups:

Group I
Group II
Part B

Up to four (4) subjects drawn from any postgraduate program of the
university with approval from the relevant teaching department and
Head of the School of Computing and Information Technology-Gippsland
or nominee.