Graduate Diploma in Computing - Caulfield


Course code: 0360
Course leader: Andy Cheng


The course is designed for those with tertiary qualifications in any discipline who wish to gain a first qualification in computing and is suitable as a career-change course. Graduates completing the Graduate Diploma in Computing are eligible for level 1 membership of the Australian Computer Society.
The course provides an education in computerised information systems techniques and technologies.
The aims of the course are:
1 to provide appropriately trained professionals in the field of commercial computing;
2 to provide a conceptual framework for students to keep pace with developments in this area;
3 to provide students with a practical knowledge of computer hardware and software which can be put to immediate use;
4 to develop a professional approach to computing and an awareness of social implications.
The course is offered both full-time and part-time. The duration of the full-time course is one year (two semesters) with an average of sixteen hours per week of class contact.
The duration of the part-time course is two years (four semesters) with eight hours per week of class contact.

Admission requirements

The normal entry requirement is a recognised degree or diploma or equivalent. Those who do not have the formal prerequisites for entry to the course may be able to gain special entry if they satisfy the following criteria:

Fees for Australian residents

In 1999 the course fee is $8000 or $1000 per subject.

Course structure

The course consists of eight subjects which are designed to provide students with a broad knowledge of information technology. To successfully complete the course, a student must demonstrate ability in both practical work and theory in each subject.
Note that all subjects listed below require four hours of class contact per week.

First semester
Second semester
First year
Second year