
Software development I

6 points - 4 hours per week - First, second semester - Caulfield - Prohibitions: BUS2011, CFR1121, CFR1403, CFR2121, CSC1011, CSC1021, CSE1301, GCO1811, SFT1101, SFT2121, SFT2202, TEC2041

Objectives At the completion of this subject students should understand the principles of program design; be able to implement a design in a programming language; and be able to test, debug and document a program.

Synopsis Concepts of structured programming. The processing elements of sequence, selection and repetition (via iteration and recursion) using imperative and functional styles. Basic data types and collections. Problem-solving skills used to convert the problem specification into the design of an algorithm, and the representation of that design in a suitable graphical notation. The expression of that algorithm in a suitable programming language. Development of robust, maintainable software from the informal specification of a problem. Scoping of variables. Functions. Parameter passing by value and by reference. Reading and writing of sequential files.

Assessment Unit test(s): 60% - Assignments: 40%

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