
Database implementation and fourth-generation systems

R Redpath

6 points - 4 hours per week - Second semester - Caulfield - Prerequisites: COT7710 and SFT7600

Objectives At the completion of this subject students should understand database implementation modelling including rules and procedures; be able to employ embedded SQL concepts; and appreciate the scope and application of fourth-generation languages.

Synopsis Physical database design concepts, fourth-generation languages, file and dictionary structure, programming interface, query language, relational DBMS, data description language, data manipulation language, embedded query language, integrity mechanisms, current and future trends in data management, data dictionary systems, database administration and distributed database.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 50% - Practical work, laboratory work and seminar participation: 50%

Prescribed texts

McFadden F R, Hoffer J A and Prescott M B Modern database management 5th edn, Benjamin-Cummings, 1998

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