
The multimedia industry

Not offered by distance in 1999

6 points - One 1-hour seminar and one 2-hour tutorial per week - Summer semester, Caulfield (on-campus) - Summer semester, Gippsland (distance) - Prerequisite: FIT5900 or equivalent.

Objectives On successful completion of this subject students will have knowledge of a broad range of topics relevant to the multimedia industry, including legal, moral, social and financial issues as well as current and future application areas.

Synopsis The subject involves attendance at weekly seminars presented by multimedia industry representatives and the presentation of a report on an issue raised at the seminar. Additionally, students will coordinate a tutorial and group discussion based on their own report and will participate in group discussions concerning issues raised by other students participating in the subject. Topics covered in the seminars include application areas for multimedia, the legal and moral obligations of multimedia producers, methods for gaining financial backing for multimedia projects, the social impact of multimedia, marketing skills for multimedia practitioners and other issues essential for anyone aiming for success in the multimedia industry.

Assessment Written report: 70% - Coordination and participation in tutorial/group discussions: 30%

Recommended texts

To be advised

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