
GUI design and programming

Not offered on the Gippsland campus in 1999

6 points - Two 1-hour lectures per week - Second semester Caulfield (on-campus) - Second semester Gippsland (on-campus) - Prerequisites: FIT5910 or equivalent - Corequisites: FIT5920 - Prohibitions: None

Objectives On completion of this subject students should have a knowledge of human computer interaction design principles and methodology, the tools and techniques commonly used in the development of GUIs, standard interaction techniques and metaphors; an understanding of: event-driven programming, how to evaluate a user interface; and have the skills to design, create and critically evaluate GUIs.

Synopsis History of user interfaces and graphical user interface systems (GUIs); human computer interaction (HCI) principles and GUI design and evaluation; event-drive programming, multi-tasking and multithreading; overview of document/view architecture, standard interaction metaphors; existing tools such as Visual Basic, Java and Dynamic HTML.

Assessment Two projects (50% each): 100%

Recommended texts

Blattner M and Dannenberg R Multimedia interface design ACM Press, 1992
Gibbs S Multimedia programming: Objects, environments and frameworks Addison-Wesley, 1994
Yao P and Leinecker R Visual C++ 5 bible IDG Books, 1997

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